Almost every 139 I've seen has had a degree of over exposure. Usually between a half and one stop but sometimes more. Recently I had a 139 that overexposed by a couple of stops and decided to investigate further. This lead to me discovering that the meter sensor had become cloudy. Checking the sensors in some other cameras I found nearly all of them were cloudy to some extent and this seems to be the reason why 139s generally over expose. Looking closely at the sensors, there is a glass filter fitted over the sensor and the cloudiness is under the glass. It's impossible to remove. The glass filter is very thin and is stuck down and any attempt to remove it results in its destruction. Under the glass is a clear compound - could be silicone or something similar. It seems it's this which is going cloudy.
Here's just three I picked at random from my collection of donor cameras. You'll see two have cracked filters also although I don't think that's a problem.
In a few cameras where the cloudiness has been quite bad, I've replaced the sensors but I only had ones removed from donor cameras and they were also cloudy to some extent. What I needed was a new replacement and, amazingly, I seem to have found one.
The sensor I found is mechanically identical and has the same glass filter on it. The specification says it's sensitive to the visible spectrum with the filter removing an extended sensitivity into the IR region. As I had no specification for the original, the only way to find out if the new sensor was a good replacement was to try it. I removed a sensor from a working camera, having first done some exposure checks, then replaced it with the new one. Repeating the exposure checks gave almost identical results but probably half a stop less exposure which would be about correct as the original sensor I removed was cloudy.
For anyone who wants to replace their own sensor, the replacement I found is part number VTB8440BH from Excelitas Technologies. I bought mine from RS-Online (UK).
Edit: Couldn't resist adding this picture of a sensor removed from a 159. The 159 clearly also suffers the same problem. This one appears to have flowers growing in it and it was over exposing by one stop.
And in case anyone is wondering if the flash meter sensor also has the same problem, it seems it doesn't. The flash meter sensor appears to be the same, or a similar, sensor but there is no filter on it and the ones I've checked are perfectly clear.
Do you know if the 159mm suffers from the same issue, I compared the exposure to my other two 167MT's and my 159 is one stop over exposing.
ReplyDeleteYes, the 159 has the same issue. The last picture in the post is from a 159. For a one stop error, just adjust the meter, I wouldn't replace the sensor.
DeleteHello! I just got an 139q and, while overall in good shape, I found two issues. The lesser one is the fact that the shutter speeds are somewhat inaccurate. Up to 1/60 it's spot on, 1/125 measures 1/115 and the following higher speeds measure 1/205,1/334 and 1/505 respectively. The second big issue is that it seems to UNDERexpose grossly (about 6 stops or more). The previous owner says the camera was serviced about a year ago but I have my doubts about the quality of the service. I was wondering what your opinion is regarding the causes for these two issues. (also, the winding lever has a slight wobbliness in it and from what I can tell it's in the shaft). Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHi, thanks for the comment. I'm going to reply to you by email as it might be long answer.
Deletethank you so much!
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